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Novato (1/14)

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  1. is it a joke ? lot of people are interested or have made this project and nobody can help me ? perhaps nobody wants to help me ......
  2. hello everybody, a very beautifull work that pushes me to try the same thing on my A4 b7 berline. But I encontered my first problem with connections. The brake light is on with the lights and shine more with brake. As i have tested, in the A6 allroad led light, i have 3 wires, the mass (black), the night light (red), the brake (orange). the problem is that with night lights on, i have power in the brake wire of my A4 and more power when the brake pedal is pressed so that in the A6 led light, all the light are on with the night lights on. I'm french and I don't speak spanish but would you understand my problem ? if someone speak french, it's easier for me. Thanks a lot for your help.