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El mío, un 3.0 TDI Q T (225), le saco medias reales de 8,5 l - 9,5 l en carretera a 140 Km/h con muy poca ciudad. En ciudad salen medias de unos 11 l. Llevo llanta 19". El ordenador marca entre 0.3 y 0.5 l de menos. Lo del consumo a partir de la limpieza de la mariposa puede ser que necesite una adaptación con el VAG. Dicen que siempre que se quede sin tension debe de adaptarse.


Pues si alguien me dice como se hace una adaptación con el vag-com, la hago. A lo mejor si que es necesaria, pero en audi no me dijeron nada de que se la hubiesen hecho tras cambiarle los dos bancos de la admisión. La mariposa principal se la cambié yo por mi cuenta y no le hice nada, aunque desconecté la bateria.....


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pues mira


que es raro, porque al tener mas aire quema mejor el combustible y necesita menos, no te abra salido otro fallo por otro lado,¿ le metiste vag-com ahora?




hola Ximo:



Le he metido el vag y no me da ningun fallo.

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El mío, un 3.0 TDI Q T (225), le saco medias reales de 8,5 l - 9,5 l en carretera a 140 Km/h con muy poca ciudad. En ciudad salen medias de unos 11 l. Llevo llanta 19". El ordenador marca entre 0.3 y 0.5 l de menos. Lo del consumo a partir de la limpieza de la mariposa puede ser que necesite una adaptación con el VAG. Dicen que siempre que se quede sin tension debe de adaptarse.


Hola Vanquishrav:


Cómo adaptas la mariposa con el vag?

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Bueno pues como novato os cuento las medias con el avant 3.0 tdi Q Tiptronic que tengo desde la semana pasada. En los aproximadamente 1700 km que le he hecho, mixto autopista (140-150) con el tempomat y atascos M40 incluidos la media me sale entorno a 8,4- 8,5 litros/100 km (como bien indicáis el ordenador me devuelve una de alrededor de 7,9 es decir aproximadamente 0,5/0,6 litros menor). La autonomía en estas circunstancias y al precio "fabuloso" que tenemos ahora 800 km.

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Bueno pues como novato os cuento las medias con el avant 3.0 tdi Q Tiptronic que tengo desde la semana pasada. En los aproximadamente 1700 km que le he hecho, mixto autopista (140-150) con el tempomat y atascos M40 incluidos la media me sale entorno a 8,4- 8,5 litros/100 km (como bien indicáis el ordenador me devuelve una de alrededor de 7,9 es decir aproximadamente 0,5/0,6 litros menor). La autonomía en estas circunstancias y al precio "fabuloso" que tenemos ahora 800 km.



Bienvenido Popen:


Ese consumo me daba a mí antes de la limpieza de admision y caja mariposa. En atascos de M-40 unos 8l/100 ahora 9-9.5 l/100

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Hola! Yo no he hecho la adaptación pero, tengo algo de información de internet:

No se si servirá, pero viene bien explicado. Ya nos contarás si sirve.


El ajuste básico es el procedimiento por el cual se adapta la unidad de mariposa a la unidad de control del

motor, se memorizan las distintas posiciones de la mariposa, así como su curva característica de aceleración,

se adapta también el actuador de la mariposa.

El ajuste básico se debe efectuar en los siguientes casos:

Después de la interrupción de tensión, cambio de la batería o agotamiento de la misma.

Después de haber desmontado y montado la unidad de mariposa.

Después de haber sustituido la unidad de control del motor.

Después de haber limpiado la mariposa.

Cuando se observa ralentí inestable o caídas de rpm e incluso paradas de motor.

Antes de realizar el ajuste básico, se debe comprobar:

1. Se deben revisar todos los fusibles, según el vehículo, podremos localizar los fusibles en cuestión.

2. La tensión de la batería debe ser superior a 11.5 Voltios.

3. La mariposa debe estar en posición de ralentí, si posee cable de acelerador, este debe estar bien regulado y


4. Se debe consultar y borrar la memoria de averías.

5. Todos los consumidores eléctricos deben estar apagados, luces, luneta térmica, radio, etc...

6. Normalmente los valores de líquido refrigerante deben estar entre 0º y 50º C.

Acoplar el conector de diagnostico del Vag-Com ( ver lugares de conexión ) a la toma de diagnosis.

Conectar el encendido e introducir la dirección 01- Unidad de control de motor.


Verificar en la memoria de averías - 02 que no hayan averías detectadas, en caso afirmativo, borrar la memoría

de avería - 05.

Pinchar en ajuste básico - 04 e introducir el grupo 098 si el vehículo tiene cable de acelerador y 060 si tiene

acelerador electrónico EPC. Se escuchará el actuador de mariposa desde su posición mínima a la máxima y

en posiciones intermedias, el ajuste básico tardará como máximo 10 segundos. No tocar en ningún momento

el pedal del acelerador, esto provocaría el fallo en el ajuste básico.


Una vez realizado el ajuste básico pincharemos en finalizar emisión terminar - 06 y desconectamos el encendido

durante 15 segundos.

Nota: el ajuste básico puede verse interrumpido por varias razones:

La unidad de mariposa no alcanza el tope mecánico debido a la acumulación de depósitos carbonosos.

El calado del cable de acelerador, no está bien o no se desplaza con suavidad.

Tensión insuficiente de la batería.

El cableado, la unidad de control de motor o la unidad de mariposa están defectuosos. ( Ver comprobación )

Después de la interrupción se memoriza la avería, ! ajuste básico no realizado !

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No he podido hacer el ajuste básico porque no me deja el vag-com. Tengo la versión 10.6.4. Mi coche un A6 3.0 Q Tdi Aut del 2006 (225cv) y en el vag, tras borrar todos los códigos de error, me meto en engine1, opción 4, aparecen 3 filas independientes donde meter grupos (001,002,003), meto en la primera 060 y pincho read y aparecen 4 valores RPM 0 TORQUE 0 TORQUE 46,2 y no se qué más 0, pero no se activa la pestaña de abajo [switch to basic settings], con lo que no puedo iniciar el procedimiento. eso sí, arriba a la izq. hay un"oscilador" numérico que oscila entre 57,3 y 63,0 todo el rato hasta que salgo de la pantalla por aburrimiento.

También lo he intentado en la opción 8 (basic setings) y al meter el grupo 060 o el 098 me dice error not acess.

Necesito ayuda.

¿Alguién que lo halla hecho o sepa, puede echar una mano?


Editado por Mahou
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Vale, pues ya me respondo yo......


Los motores diesel tambien llevan una mariposa en la admision, pero su función no tiene nada que ver con la que realiza la de un motor de gasolina. En estos motores solo sirve para que el apagado del motor no sea brusco, sino que lo haga de manera suave. Esa mariposa está siempre abierta para permitir el paso del aire, y en el momento que apagamos el motor se cierra durante unos segundos y a continuación se vuelve a abrir.

Aunque haya que cambiar esta mariposa en caso de que se averie, no hay que realizar ningún ajuste básico.

Hala, por si a alguien le sirve.


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Hola a todos, creo que no habláis de las mismas mariposas, el motor 3,0 TDI tiene una 1ª válvula de mariposa que es la que da entrada de aire a los dos colectores de admisión y una válvula de mariposa por cada cilindro llamada mariposa de turbulencia espiroidal (6 válvulas). Cada bancada de cilindros lleva tres de estas mariposas y las tres son comandadas a la vez por un servomotor que es el que hay que adaptar con el ajuste básico. Podéis ver de lo que hablo en este enlace:




Yo presencié el ajuste básico de mi coche en Audi, ya que después de una reparación notaba lo que comentáis en cuanto a consumos y potencia del motor. El ajuste básico lo hicieron a estos servos, a la válvula de by-pass del turbo y a la EGR. La máquina VAS de Audi le decía al técnico que tenía que hacer y me llamó la atención que a veces pedía pisar el freno.


Llevo bastante tiempo buscando como hacer todo el ajuste básico y no he encontrado nada salvo esto que pongo de en un foro ruso y que no estoy seguro si es para este coche. Espero que a partir de esto alguien pueda aportar algo más.


Por otra parte lo que si que ocurre es que a pesar de no hacer el ajuste básico, el coche va adaptando parámetros sólo y con el tiempo las prestaciones y el consumo mejoran.


Ahí va el foro ruso:


Прежде всего огомное спасибо GOL_AUTO Маленькая посказка про педаль тормаза и полный газ и все заработало единственное в моем источнике нет ничего про упомянутый тобой 28 канал

Вообщем сейчас у меня все 00000000


Я думаю будет полезно для всех кому это интересно указать еще на одну мелочь что все адаптации достатчно длительные по времени от минуты до 3 или даже 4 и в заключении темы было бы полезно выложить в помощь остальным порядок настройки , что я и сделаю она есть в интернете но долго искать, кстати на этом форуме я не нашел так, что пусть бует.

Еще раз спасибо




Manually Generating Readiness



Ignition ON and Engine OFF




Reading and clearing fault codes



[01 - Engine]

[Fault Codes - 02]

[Clear Codes -05]

[Done, Go Back]



Throttle Body Alignment


[Measuring Blocks - 08]

Select group 060


[switch to basic settings]

Once you do this you will see the top right display say ADP RUN. Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads ADP OK.

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Transmission kickdown (applies to Auto Trans vehicles only!)


Select group 063


[switch to basic settings]

Once you do this you will see the top right display say ADP RUN. Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads ADP OK.

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back]



Ignition ON and Engine ON at idle



Fuel leakage test



[01 - Engine]

[Measuring Blocks - 08]

Select group 071


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads Syst.OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Evap purge test


Select group 070


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads EVAP OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



A/F control test


Select group 107


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads Syst.OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Ignition ON and Engine ON between 1800 and 2200 rpm




O2 sensor heater test


Select group 041


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until there are kOhm readings in the first and third fields

[switch to Meas. Blocks]

Select group 042


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until there are kOhm readings in the first and third fields

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Ignition ON and Engine ON at idle




Post-cat O2 sensors readiness test


Select group 036


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until you see B1-S2 OK in the first field and B2-S2 OK in the third field

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Ignition ON and Engine ON between 1520 and 2280 rpm




Pre-cat O2 sensors response time test


Select group 034


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads B1-S1 OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]

Select group 035


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads B2-S1 OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Ignition ON and Engine ON at idle




O2 sensor control test


Select group 037


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads Syst. OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]

Select group 038


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads Syst. OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]




Post-cat O2 sensor aging test


Select group 043


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads B1-S2 OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]

Select group 044


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads B2-S2 OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Ignition ON and Engine ON between 1880 and 2280 rpm




Catalytic converter test


Select group 046


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads CAT B1 OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]

Select group 047


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads CAT B2 OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]



Ignition ON and Engine ON at idle




Secondary air injection test (applies to Auto Trans vehicles only!)


Select group 077


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads Syst. OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]

Select group 078


[switch to basic settings]

Leave it in Basic Settings until the fourth field reads Syst. OK

[switch to Meas. Blocks]

[Done, Go Back]



Checking Readiness


Make sure none of the fields say Failed or Incomplete

[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back]


Ignition ON

Engine ON

System voltage at least 11.0 V.




[01 - Engine]

[basic Settings - 04]

Group 103


Activate the Basic Setting.


Wait until Field 4 shows "ADP. O.K.".

[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]


Switch Ignition OFF.



Intake Manifold Runner



Ignition ON

Engine OFF

System voltage at least 11.0 V.




[01 - Engine]

[basic Settings - 04]

Group 142


Activate the Basic Setting.


Wait until Field 4 shows "ADP. O.K.".

[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]


Switch Ignition OFF for at least 60 seconds.






[01 - Engine]

[basic Settings - 04]

Group 200


Activate the Basic Setting.


Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal (Full Throttle) at once to activate the basic setting.

Field 1 shows the steps counter, which counts down to 0 - then setting readiness is done.

Stay on the pedals as long as the procedure lasts.

[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]



Special Functions




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Otra cosa que encontré y creo que es la buena auque no aparece el motor BMK


Basic setting

for 2.7 L and 3.0 L TDI CR as at 30.10. 2008

Engine code letters: CANA, CANB, CANC, CAND,




To start the "Basic setting" function from Guided

Fault Finding:

1) Press mode button

2) Choose "Vehicle self-diagnosis" menu option

3) Self-diagnosis


003 Basic setting: Exhaust gas recirculation

1) Coolant temperature at least 80 °C

2) Switch off ignition briefly, then start engine

3) Start basic setting

4) Follow driver instructions

(pedals must be pressed)

5) Wait for the engine speed rise to approx. 1000 rpm



The exhaust gas recirculation is now switched

on and off intermittently.

Specifications with "EGR not active":

Engine speed: approx. 1000 rpm

Activation: EGR not active

Actual air mass: 380 ... 550 mg/stroke

EGR valve feedback: 0 ... 2 %

Specifications with "EGR active":

Engine speed: approx. 1000 rpm

Activation: EGR active

Actual air mass: 140 ... 270 mg/stroke

EGR valve feedback: 80 ... 100 %


033 Basic setting: Turbocharger

1) Coolant temperature at least 80 °C

2) Switch off ignition briefly, then start engine

3) Start basic setting

4) Follow driver instructions

(pedals must be pressed)

5) Wait for the engine speed rise to approx. 1000 rpm



The turbocharger is now activated at intervals at different

duty cycles.

Specifications at "closed":

Engine speed: approx. 1000 rpm

Activation: closed

Actual charge pressure: 970 ... 1150 mbar

Charge pressure adjuster feedback: 98 ... 100 %

Specifications at "open":

Engine speed: approx. 1000 rpm

Activation: open

Actual charge pressure: 910 ... 1050 mbar

Charge pressure adjuster feedback: 0 ... 2 %

Charge pressure difference between "closed/open": 50 ... 135 mbar OK is OK


044 Basic setting: Intake manifold flap bank 1

1) Coolant temperature at least 80 °C

2) Switch off ignition briefly, then start engine

3) Start basic setting

4) Follow driver instructions

(pedals must be pressed)

5) Wait for the engine speed rise to approx. 2800 rpm



The bank 1 intake manifold flaps are now alternately

opened and closed at intervals.

Specifications with "flap open":

Engine speed: approx. 2800 rpm

Activation: Flap open

Actual air mass: [mg/stroke]

Intake manifold flap bank 1 feedback: 3 ... 7 %

Specifications with "flap closed":

Engine speed: approx. 2800 rpm

Activation: Flap closed

Actual air mass: [mg/stroke]

Intake manifold flap bank 1 feedback: 93 ... 97 %

Air mass difference between "flap open/closed": min. 20 mg/stroke


055 Basic setting: Intake manifold flap bank 2

1) Coolant temperature at least 80 °C

2) Switch off ignition briefly, then start engine

3) Start basic setting

4) Follow driver instructions

(pedals must be pressed)

5) Wait for the engine speed rise to approx. 2800 rpm



The bank 2 intake manifold flaps are now alternately

opened and closed at intervals.

Specifications with "flap open":

Engine speed: approx. 2800 rpm

Activation: Flap open

Actual air mass: [mg/stroke]

Intake manifold flap bank 2 feedback: 3 ... 7 %

Specifications with "flap closed":

Engine speed: approx. 2800 rpm

Activation: Flap closed

Actual air mass: [mg/stroke]

Intake manifold flap bank 2 feedback: 93 ... 97 %

Air mass difference between "flap open/closed": min. 20 mg/stroke


063 Adapting kickdown point


Only vehicles with automatic gearbox

1) Switch off ignition briefly, then ignition on

2) Start basic setting

3) Press down accelerator pedal until status ADP OK is displayed


4) Value is only stored in engine control unit after

approx. 10 seconds ignition OFF.



Sender 1 Accelerator position: 12 ... 97 %


Status: ADP.OK

159 Basic setting: Oil pressure valve

1) Engine oil temperature at least 60 °C

2) Switch off ignition briefly, then start engine

3) Start basic setting

4) Follow driver instructions

(pedals must be pressed)


First the low pressure stage is run for 8 seconds. During this time the engine speed is increased to 2300 rpm. Then the system switches to the high pressure stage, which is likewise active for 8 seconds.

Specifications in the low pressure stage:

Oil pressure switching valve: 1(low pressure requested)

Low-pressure switch: 1(closed)

High-pressure switch: 0(open)

Specifications in the high pressure stage:

Oil pressure switching valve: 0(high pressure requested)

Low-pressure switch: 1(closed)

High-pressure switch: 1(closed)



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Basic setting as at 30.10. 2008

for 2.7/3.0 L TDI CR

Engine code letters: CANA, CANB, CANC, CAND,



001 Quantity adjustment

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Injection quantity mean

At idle: 4 ... 11 mg/stroke

3) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020

4) Coolant temperature

Warmed-up: 70 ... 115 °C


002 Idling speed

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Accelerator pedal position

At idle: 0 %

At full throttle: 100%

3) Accelerator pedal switch settings

X X X X X X X 1 Status AC compressor ON

X X X X 1 X X X Idling speed switch ON

X X X 1 X X X X Kickdown switch ON

X 1 X X X X X X Idling speed increased

4) Coolant temperature

Warmed-up: 70 ... 115 °C


003 Exhaust gas recirculation EGR

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Specified intake air mass


3) Actual air mass


4) EGR control value



004 Main injection

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Main injection, start of activation


3) Main injection, duration of activation


4) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020


005 Starting conditions

Stored from last engine start

1) Engine speed


2) Starting injection quantity


3) Start synchronisation

001 No synchronisation between engine control

unit and engine

005 Too many resynchronisation cycles

Torsion between crankshaft and camshaft

too large

020 Position for synchronisation set by run-out


033 Synchronisation present, but still being


036 Synchronisation present, but still being

checked (slave engine control unit only)

038 No valid camshaft signal,

run camshaft emergency mode to synchronise


048 Synchronisation complete

--> Starting OK

060 No valid crankshaft signal,

crankshaft emergency running mode

4) Coolant temperature



006 Cruise control system CCS

1) Vehicle speed

CCS activatable: above 35 km/h

2) CCS status

X X X X X X X 1 Brake light switch pressed

X X X X X X 1 X Brake pedal switch pressed

X X X X X 1 X X Clutch pedal switch pressed

X X X X 1 X X X CCS enabled

X X X 1 X X X X ACC enabled

X X 1 X X X X X Main switch ON

0 0 X X X X X X ACC/CCS mode inactive

1 0 X X X X X X State overspill

0 1 X X X X X X ACC/CCS in control range

1 1 X X X X X X ACC not enabled

3) CCS target speed


4) CCS switch settings

X X X X X X X 1 Main switch ON

X X X X X X 1 X Tapped OFF

X X X X X 1 X X Tap Down, reduce

X X X X 1 X X X Tap Up, increase

X X X 1 X X X X Set

X X 1 X X X X X Resume

X 1 X X X X X X Fault message steering column module

1 X X X X X X X Main switch hardware locked ON


007 Temperature senders

1) Fuel temperature

to 70 °C

2) Oil temperature

Warmed-up: 70 ... 110 °C

3) Intake air temperature

to 90 °C

4) Coolant temperature

Warmed-up: 70 ... 115 °C


008 Limiting torques

1) Engine speed


2) Engine torque specification

[Nm] Driver input via accelerator pedal

3) Torque limitation


4) Smoke limitation



009 Limiting torques

1) Engine speed


2) CCS limiting torque


3) Limiting torque gearbox control unit


4) Limiting torque



010 Air quantities

1) Actual air mass

At idle: 210 ... 280 mg/stroke

At full throttle: > 1050 mg/stroke

At ambient air pressure 970 ... 1020 mbar

2) Ambient air pressure


3) Actual charge pressure

At idle: 950 ... 1080 mbar

At full throttle: > 2150 mbar

At ambient air pressure 970 ... 1020 mbar

4) Accelerator pedal position


- With exhaust gas recirculation switched off, e.g. due to

high intake air temperature the air mass at idle may be increased

In this case press the accelerator in short bursts and check

whether the air mass then decreases.

- Additionally check air mass via basic setting of EGR

and turbocharger basic setting.


011 Charge pressure control

1) Engine speed


2) Specified charge pressure


3) Actual charge pressure

At idle: 950 ... 1080 mbar

At full throttle: > 2150 mbar

At ambient air pressure 970 ... 1020 mbar

4) Charge pressure control value



012 Preheating system

1) Preheating system status

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waiting for coolant temperature

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Waiting for start request

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Glow period

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 No glow

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 After-glow

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 No start glow

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Intermediate glow

0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Readiness glow

0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Start glow

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Waiting for after-glow

1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 No after-glow

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Waiting for intermediate glow

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No glow

2) Glow period

3)Vehicle voltage


4) Coolant temperature



013 Smooth running control

1) Cylinder 1 injection quantity variation


2) Cylinder 2 injection quantity variation


3) Cylinder 3 injection quantity variation


4) Vacant

Permissible values at idle: +- 1.5 mg/stroke

A If the permissible tolerance is exceeded

first check injector IQA-IVA adaption values,

if OK electrical wiring and connectors

from engine control unit to injector



014 Smooth running control

1) Cylinder 4 injection quantity variation


2) Cylinder 5 injection quantity variation


3) Cylinder 6 injection quantity variation


4) Vacant

Permissible values at idle: +- 1.5 mg/stroke

A If the permissible tolerance is exceeded

first check injector IQA-IVA adaption values,

if OK electrical wiring and connectors

from engine control unit to injector



015 Fuel consumption

1) Engine speed


2) Actual engine torque


3) Fuel consumption


4) Engine torque specification

[Nm] Driver input via accelerator pedal


016 Additional heater

Only A4, A5, A6

1) Additional heater enable

0 0 No enable

0 1 No enable stage 1

1 0 No enable stage 2

1 1 Enable stages 1 and 2

2) Additional heater shut-off conditions

X X X X X X X 0 No shut-off condition

X X X X X X X 1 Coolant temperature


X X X X X X 1 X Alternator load signal fault

X X X X X 1 X X Battery voltage too high

X X X X 1 X X X Engine speed too low

X X X 1 X X X X Start delay active

X X 1 X X X X X Water temperature sensor, air temperature

sensor or output stage defective

X 1 X X X X X X Operating switch (not active)

1 X X X X X X X Intake manifold temperature adequate

3) Additional heater relay activation

0 0 Relay not activated

0 1 Low heat output relay

1 0 High heat output relay

1 1 Both relay contacts active

4) Alternator output


017 ---

For readiness code see 089


018 Rail pressure control

1) Engine speed


2) Fuel temperature


3) Rail pressure control status

00 Ignition on, open-loop control mode

01 Open-loop control mode after start

02 Closed-loop control via pressure regulating valve

(on switch between open-loop and closed-loop control)

03 Closed-loop control via solenoid valve

(on switch between open-loop and closed-loop control)

04 Closed-loop control via pressure regulating valve

(normal operating mode)

05 Closed-loop control via solenoid valve

(normal operating mode)

06 Closed-loop control via pressure regulating valve

(on switch to pressure regulation via

quantity control valve)

07 Open-loop control (engine is stopped)

08 Open-loop control (on switch from open-loop to

closed-loop control)

11 Open-loop control after running tank empty

15 Closed-loop control via pressure regulating valve and quantity

control valve

16 Switch after closed-loop control via pressure regulating valve

to quantity control valve

17 Switch after CPC closed-loop control

18 Switch after closed-loop control via quantity control valve

4) Vacant


020 Rail pressure control

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Specified rail pressure


3) Rail pressure actual


4) Pressure regulating valve activation

At idle: 13 ... 37 %

- Values for warmed-up engine

- Permissible difference between specified and actual value at

Idle: maximum +-20 bar


021 Rail quantity control

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Specified rail pressure

Check values with measured value block 020

3) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020

4) Quantity adjuster valve activation

At idle: 33 ... 62 %

- Values for warmed-up engine


024 Pre-injection 3

1) Engine speed


2) Pre-injection 3 start of activation


3) Pre-injection 3 duration of activation


4) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020


025 Pre-injection 2

1) Engine speed


2) Pre-injection 2 start of activation


3) Pre-injection 2 duration of activation


4) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020


026 Pre-injection 1

1) Engine speed


2) Pre-injection 1 start of activation


3) Pre-injection 1 duration of activation


4) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020


028 Post-injection 2

1) Engine speed


2) Post-injection 2 start of activation


3) Post-injection 2 duration of activation


4) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020


029 Post-injection 1

1) Engine speed


2) Post-injection 1 start of activation


3) Post-injection 1 duration of activation


4) Rail pressure actual

Check values with measured value block 020


030 Accelerator pedal position

1) Accelerator pedal sender 1


2) Accelerator pedal sender 2


3) Accelerator pedal switch settings

X X X X X X X 1 Status AC compressor ON

X X X X 1 X X X Idling speed switch ON

X X X 1 X X X X Kickdown switch ON

X 1 X X X X X X Idling speed increased

4) Accelerator pedal position



032 Camshaft edges

1) Engine speed


2) Start synchronisation

001 No synchronisation between engine control

unit and engine

005 Too many resynchronisation cycles

Torsion between crankshaft and camshaft

too large

020 Position for synchronisation set by run-out


033 Synchronisation present, but still being


036 Synchronisation present, but still being

checked (slave engine control unit only)

038 No valid camshaft signal,

run camshaft emergency mode to synchronise


048 Synchronisation complete

--> Starting OK

060 No valid crankshaft signal,

crankshaft emergency running mode

3) Camshaft edge 1


4) Camshaft edge 2



033 Temperature protection

Only 3.0 L TDI CR

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Exhaust gas temperature before turbocharger

At idle: 100 ... 310 °C (with radiator fluid > 75 °C)

At full throttle: 540 ... 830 °C

3) Exhaust gas temperature governing factor

At idle: 99 ... 101 % or 0.99 ... 1,01

4) Overall governing factor

At idle: 99 ... 101 % or 0.99 ... 1,01


034 Charge pressure control

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Charge pressure adjuster activation


3) Charge pressure adjuster feedback


4) Charge pressure adjuster output stage


Permissible difference between activation and feedback at

Idle: maximum +/- 2 %


036 Intake manifold flap bank 1

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Intake manifold flaps activation


3) Intake manifold flaps feedback


4) Intake manifold flaps output stage


Permissible difference between activation and feedback at

Idle: maximum +/- 2 %


037 Intake manifold flap bank 2

1) Engine speed

At idle: 610 ... 810 rpm

2) Intake manifold flaps 2 activation


3) Intake manifold flaps 2 feedback


4) Intake manifold flaps 2 output stage


Permissible difference between activation and feedback at

Idle: maximum +/- 2 %


038 EGR valve

1) Engine speed


2) EGR valve activation


3) EGR valve feedback


4) EGR valve output stage



040 Throttle valve

1) Engine speed


2) Throttle valve activation


3) Throttle valve feedback


4) Throttle valve output stage



041 Lambda probe

1) Lambda probe calibration value internal resistance


2) Oxygen signal offset


3) Oxygen concentration


4) Oxygen signal calibration status

0 inactive

1 active


042 Lambda probe

1) Air mass throughput


2) Lambda probe heater activation


3) Lambda probe temperature signal


4) Lambda signal



043 Lambda probe

1) Air mass throughput


2) Ambient temperature


3) Lambda probe pressure


4) Lambda probe oxygen concentration



044 Lambda probe

1) Engine speed


2) Lambda probe electronics

X X X X X X X 1 Full throttle regulator on/off

X X X X X X 1 X Full throttle

X X X X X 1 X X Control deviation negative, i.e. mixture too rich

X X X X 1 X X X System fault

X X X 1 X X X X Oxygen signal invalid or no correction

by lambda probe adaption

X X 1 X X X X X Engine starting

X 1 X X X X X X Torque limitation or quantity limitation active

1 X X X X X X X Regeneration exhaust gas treatment

3) Lambda probe plausibility check

001 Current oxygen concentration implausibly high

002 Current oxygen concentration implausibly low

004 Oxygen concentration stationary

008 Plausibility checking enabled

016 Oxygen concentration zero

032 In last time interval no rich operation

4) Lambda probe diagnosis

004 Dynamics of signal too low

008 Cable open circuit

016 Oxygen signal in overrun implausibly low

032 Oxygen signal in overrun implausibly high

064 Oxygen signal at part throttle implausibly low

128 Oxygen signal at part throttle implausibly high

256 Oxygen signal at full throttle implausibly low

512 Oxygen signal at full throttle implausibly high


045 Fan activation

1) Coolant temperature


2) Air conditioner fan activation


3) Radiator fan 1 activation


4) Radiator fan 2 activation



046 AC compressor

1) Ambient temperature


2) Temperature at air conditioner heat exchanger output


3) AC compressor shut-off status 1

X X X X X X X 1 Vehicle starting off

X X X X X X 1 X Shut-off due to starting off state

X X X X X 1 X X Vehicle acceleration


X X X X 1 X X X Shut-off due to acceleration

X X X 1 X X X X Shut-off due to starting

X X 1 X X X X X System fault detected

X 1 X X X X X X Shut-off due to system fault

1 X X X X X X X Shut-off due to inadequate idling


4) AC compressor shut-off status 2

0 Compressor not switched off by control unit

1 Compressor switched off by control unit


051 Speed recording

1) Engine speed


2) Camshaft speed


3) Start synchronisation

001 No synchronisation between engine control

unit and engine

005 Too many resynchronisation cycles

Torsion between crankshaft and camshaft

too large

020 Position for synchronisation set by run-out


033 Synchronisation present, but still being


036 Synchronisation present, but still being

checked (slave engine control unit only)

038 No valid camshaft signal,

run camshaft emergency mode to synchronise


048 Synchronisation complete

--> Starting OK

060 No valid crankshaft signal,

crankshaft emergency running mode

4) Vacant


057 Engine mounting

1) Engine speed


2) Vehicle speed


3) Engine mounting valve, right, activation


4) Engine mounting valve, left, activation




059 Ancillaries

1) Engine speed


2) Actual engine torque


3) Engine torque loss


4) Ancillaries torque



060 Ancillaries

1) Engine torque loss


2) Clutch torque min


3) AC compressor torque


4) Alternator output



070 Zero quantity calibration ZQC

1) ZQC learning cycle counter 1st calibration pressure


2) ZQC learning cycle counter 2nd calibration pressure


3) ZQC learning cycle counter 3rd calibration pressure


4) Vacant


072 Zero quantity calibration ZQC

1) ZQC cyl. 1 Activation time 1st calibration pressure


2) ZQC cyl. 1 Activation time 2nd calibration pressure


3) ZQC cyl. 1 Activation time 3rd calibration pressure


4) Vacant


073 Zero quantity calibration ZQC

1) ZQC cyl. 2 Activation time 1st calibration pressure


2) ZQC cyl. 2 Activation time 2nd calibration pressure


3) ZQC cyl. 2 Activation time 3rd calibration pressure


4) Vacant


074 Zero quantity calibration ZQC

1) ZQC cyl. 3 Activation time 1st calibration pressure


2) ZQC cyl. 3 Activation time 2nd calibration pressure


3) ZQC cyl. 3 Activation time 3rd calibration pressure


4) Vacant


075 Zero quantity calibration ZQC

1) ZQC cyl. 4 Activation time 1st calibration pressure


2) ZQC cyl. 4 Activation time 2nd calibration pressure


3) ZQC cyl. 4 Activation time 3rd calibration pressure


4) Vacant


076 Zero quantity calibration ZQC

1) ZQC cyl. 5 Activation time 1st calibration pressure


2) ZQC cyl. 5 Activation time 2nd calibration pressure


3) ZQC cyl. 5 Activation time 3rd calibration pressure


4) Vacant


077 Zero quantity calibration ZQC

1) ZQC cyl. 6 Activation time 1st calibration pressure


2) ZQC cyl. 6 Activation time 2nd calibration pressure


3) ZQC cyl. 6 Activation time 3rd calibration pressure


4) Vacant


089 Readiness code

1) EOBD data A

X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No fault messages stored in engine control unit


0 X X X X X X X Emissions warning lamp (MIL) OFF

1 X X X X X X X Emissions warning lamp (MIL) ON

2) EOBD data B

- X X X - X X 1 Misfire monitoring activated

- X X X - X 1 X Fuel system monitoring activated

- X X X - 1 X X Complete system monitoring activated

- X X X - 1 X X Misfire detection monitoring activated

- X 0 X - X X X EOBD test fuel system completed with OK


- 0 X X - X X X EOBD test overall system completed with OK


3) EOBD data C

X X X X X X X 1 Catalytic converter monitoring activated

X X X X X X 1 X Catalytic converter hot monitoring activated

X X X X X 1 X X Evaporation system monitoring activated

X X X X 1 X X X Secondary air system monitoring activated

X X X 1 X X X X Air conditioner coolant monitoring activated

X X 1 X X X X X Lambda probe monitoring activated

X 1 X X X X X X Lambda probe heating monitoring activated

1 X X X X X X X EGR monitoring activated

4) EOBD data D

X - - - - - - 0 EOBD test EGR completed with OK


0 - - - - - - X EOBD test EGR completed with OK



095 Starter control

1) Start request terminal 50

X X 1 Start request from driver

X 1 X Holding circuit to bridge resets active

1 X X Read-back activation status of starter

2) Interlock or P/N signal

Interlock: Signal from selector lever switch

Only vehicles with automatic gearbox

P/N: Signal from clutch pedal switch for engine start

Only vehicles with manual gearbox

X X X X X X X 1 Clutch closed

X X X 1 X X X X Interlock or P/N signal

3) Starter control status 1

X X X X X X X 1 Start command

X X X X X X 1 X Engine does not turn over

X X X X X 1 X X Starter motor does not turn over

X X X X 1 X X X Power enable

X X X 1 X X X X Restart enable

X X 1 X X X X X Start command from start/stop coordinator

X 1 X X X X X X Engine speed permitted, engage starter

1 X X X X X X X Start mode announcement

4) Starter control status 2

X X X X X X X 1 Start delay active


096 Starter control

1) Start request terminal 50

X X 1 Start request from driver

X 1 X Holding circuit to bridge resets active

1 X X Read-back activation status of starter

2) Starter control shut-off conditions 1

X X X X X X X 1 New fault in starter control

X X X X X X 1 X Start by term. 15 off

X X X X X 1 X X Fast start (direct start)

3) Starter control shut-off conditions 2

X X X X X X X 1 Start rejection speed reached

X X X X X X 1 X Engine speed reached and term.50 off

X X X X X 1 X X Maximum operating time exceeded

X X X X 1 X X X Term.50 off after number of time false starts

X X X 1 X X X X Abort panic start

X X 1 X X X X X Power detected

X 1 X X X X X X Vehicle speed exceeded

1 X X X X X X X Abort semi-automatic start

4)Vehicle voltage



098 EGR cooler coolant pump

1) Coolant temperature


2) Coolant temperature at radiator outlet


3) EGR cooler coolant pump, activation


4) EGR temperature



099 Exhaust gas temperature

1) Engine speed


2) Exhaust gas temperature before turbocharger


3) Exhaust gas temperature before particulate filter


4) Exhaust gas temperature before particulate filter

[°C] Only on vehicles with particulate filter

The temperature sender is not fitted on the Q7. The

readout is calculated.


100 Service regeneration

Only on vehicles with particulate filter


Starting service regeneration is possible via Guided Fault Finding

if the <service regeneration> test procedure was

entered in the test plan.

1) Engine speed

In service regeneration: approx. 1500 rpm

2) Surface temperature of filter


3) Service regeneration current regeneration time

0 ... 255 or 0 to max. 1200 s

Total duration: 10 to 40 minutes, depending on loading state

4) Service regeneration abort detected

0 = Not aborted

1 = Aborted


101 Service regeneration

Only on vehicles with particulate filter


With this measured value block fault causes can be located

if the service regeneration was aborted by the engine control unit


1) Service regeneration enable conditions 1

Before start of service regeneration:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK, because no service regeneration


After start of service regeneration:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All enable conditions 1 OK

X X X X X X X 1 Minimum waiting time before start of service

regeneration with engine running


X X X X X X 1 X Coolant temperature OK

X X X X X 1 X X Oil temperature OK

X X X X 1 X X X Ambient air pressure OK

X X X 1 X X X X Fuel temperature OK

X X 1 X X X X X Battery voltage OK

X 1 X X X X X X No clutch pressed

1 X X X X X X X No gear engaged

2) Service regeneration enable conditions 2

Before start of service regeneration:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK, because no service regeneration


After start of service regeneration:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All enable conditions 2 OK

X X X X X X X 1 Road speed = 0

X X X X X X 1 X Engine speed OK

X X X X X 1 X X Injection quantity OK

X X X X 1 X X X Accelerator pedal not pressed

X X X 1 X X X X Particulate filter temperature bank 1 OK

X X 1 X X X X X Particulate filter temperature bank 2 OK

X 1 X X X X X X Pre-catalyst temperature bank 1 OK

1 X X X X X X X Pre-catalyst temperature bank 2 OK

3) Service regeneration enable conditions 3

Before start of service regeneration:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OK, because no service regeneration


After start of service regeneration:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All enable conditions 3 OK

X X X X X X X 1 Soot mass in particulate filter in permissible


X X X X X X 1 X No faults in particulate filter functions

X X X X X 1 X X No faults in engine functions

X X X X 1 X X X Maximum regeneration time not exceeded

--> If not OK:

Consumers not switched on,

ambient temperature too cold

X X X 1 X X X X Exhaust gas system heat-up time bank 1

within permissible limits

--> If not OK:

Consumers not switched on,

ambient temperature too cold

X X 1 X X X X X Exhaust gas system heat-up time bank 2

within permissible limits

--> If not OK:

Consumers not switched on,

ambient temperature too cold

X 1 X X X X X X Maximum temperature before particulate filter

bank 1 not exceeded

1 X X X X X X X Maximum temperature before particulate filter

bank 2 not exceeded

4) Service regeneration phase

X X X X X X X 1 Normal operation

X X X X X X 1 X Start

X X X X X 1 X X Heat-up 1

X X X X 1 X X X Heat-up 2

X X X 1 X X X X Regeneration

X X 1 X X X X X Cool-down

X 1 X X X X X X Regeneration successful

1 X X X X X X X Regeneration active


102 Exhaust gas cleaning

Only on vehicles with particulate filter

1) Exhaust gas temperature after pre-catalyst A5, B8, Q5, C6


2) Vacant

3) Particulate filter differential pressure

0 ... 950 mbar

4) Differential pressure offset particulate filter



103 Field regeneration

Only on vehicles with particulate filter

1) Field regeneration status 1

X X X X X X X 1 Normal operation

X X X X X X 1 X Regeneration mode

2) Field regeneration status 2

X X X 1 X X X X Normal operation

X X X 1 X X 1 X Regeneration mode

3) Field regeneration request

X X 1 Request by fuel consumption

X 1 X Request by operating time

1 X X Request by distance driven

4) Field regeneration block

0 Regeneration disabled

1 Maximum regeneration time elapsed


104 Particulate filter

Only on vehicles with particulate filter

1) Oil ash


2) Soot mass calculated


3) Soot mass measured


4) Distance since last regeneration



107 Particulate filter

Only on vehicles with particulate filter

1) Loading limit 4


- Value depends on software version and fitted

Particulate filter

- If the soot mass ("calculated" or "measured",

se measured value block 104, zone 2 or 3) exceeds this limit,

field and service regeneration is disabled.

- If after a test drive (approx. 20 minutes at > 2500 rpm)

one of the soot mass values is still higher than load

limit 4, the particulate filter must be replaced.

2) Loading limit 3


- Value depends on software version and fitted

Particulate filter

- If this limit is exceeded, the engine switches

to emergency running and the fault memory entry

"Particulate filter overloaded" is stored

3) Loading limit 1


- Value depends on software version and fitted

Particulate filter

- If this limit is exceeded, an attempt is made

to start field regeneration (during driving)

4) Exhaust gas volumetric flow particulate filter

[m^3/h] Calculated value


110 Adaptive cruise control ACC

1) ACC specification adjustment

001 Specification adjustment free-wheeling

002 Specification adjustment ON

003 Specification adjustment OFF

2) ACC status

X X X X X X 0 0 ACC inactive

X X X X X X 0 1 ACC active

X X X X X X 1 0 ACC passive

X X X X X X 1 1 ACC initialisation

X X X X X 0 X X No neutral value

X X X X X 1 X X Neutral value

X X 0 X X X X X Not permitted

X X 1 X X X X X Permitted

3) Vehicle speed


4) Vacant


125 CAN communication

1) CAN communic. Automatic gearbox

2) CAN communic. ABS/ESP

3) CAN communic. Instrument cluster

4) CAN communic. Airbag

0 = inactive

1 = active


126 CAN communication

1) CAN communic. AC

2) Vacant

3) Vacant

4) CAN communic. ACC

0 = inactive

1 = active


127 CAN communication

1) CAN communic. 4WD

2) CAN communic. Level

3) CAN communic. Drive authorisation

4) CAN communic. Steering column module

0 = inactive

1 = active


128 CAN communication

1) CAN communic. Gateway

2) CAN communic. Battery energy management

3) CAN communic. Steering angle sender

4) CAN communic. Parking brake

0 = inactive

1 = active


CAN = Controller Area Network

The CAN bus is a network for local interconnection of

control units.


202 Oil pressure pump

1) Engine speed


2) Control oil pump activation

3) Oil low-pressure switch active

4) Oil high-pressure switch active

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